473 - I Regret My Quibi Tattoo

John and Craig reflect on Quibi, the short-lived short-form video company that announced its end. They talk about what happened and prognosticate wildly about the future of the entertainment industry. We also consider movie ideas to replace the Slinky movie and answer lots of listener questions. Finally, in our bonus segment for premium members, we discuss scary movies. Links: Slinky Movie Twitter Poll Magic 8 Ball Movie Quibi Shuts Down Hit and Run by Nancy Griffin and Kim Masters Quibi Loopholes Century City Descript DnD Heroes Feast Get a Scriptnotes T-shirt! John August on Twitter Craig Mazin on Twitter John on Instagram Outro by Matthew Chilelli (send us yours!) Scriptnotes is produced by Megana Rao and edited by Matthew Chilelli. Email us at ask@johnaugust.com You can download the episode here.

Om Podcasten

Screenwriters John August and Craig Mazin discuss screenwriting and related topics in the film and television industry, everything from getting stuff written to the vagaries of copyright and work-for-hire law.