Breaking down The Water-Energy-Food Nexus and the Power of Duckweeds with Femeena Valappil

We often hear about the energy-water-food nexus, but what does it actually mean?  In this episode of the SDG Talks Podcast, Femeena Valappil breaks down the myths around this concept and sheds light around the most recent science around this field.  Femenna recently joined Penn State University as a Postdoctoral scholar where her research focuses on developing sustainable solutions at the water-food-energy nexus. Currently, she studies growing duckweeds as a potential medium for nutrient recovery from wastewaters and further using them as a source of food and feedstock.  Her other research interests mainly include hydrological and water quality modeling, sustainable farming practices, and bioenergy production. Linkedin: News:

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SDG Talks Podcast highlights Change Makers and their work around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our passion is to highlight people and organizations that work towards the 17 goals that will transform the world into a more equitable place for everyone. Got a good story? Send us an email at or visit us at