SDG 13 | UNLEASHing Innovation & New Opportunities in Mysore | Helena Karatvuo & Melody Waterworth
What challenges arise for you during the creation process? Welcome back SDG Talkers!! Thanks for joining us for another episode of highlighting change makers and their inspirational work towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)! IN THIS EPISODE: What are the obstacles within the innovation process? A reflection of the UNLEASH process from the talent perspective How can future UNLEASH talents get involved? Let's find out from UNLEASH talents Helena Karatvuo and Melody Waterworth! Helena currently works in Seaport OPX's engineering division, holding responsibilities from climate change and environmental module development to client support and training and front-end prototyping plus much in between. Melody is the Founder and Managing Director of Waterworth Consulting - a Private Limited Company providing a wide range of front-to-back solutions for iNGOs, Non-profits, Governments, Social Businesses and Private entities. Let’s get SDG Talking!! Got a good story or want to collaborate? Send us an email at and we will get back to you as soon as we can! And don’t forget to check out our Virtual Roundtables on our website! Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn