SDG 17 | SDSN Breaks Down USA Racial Inequality Index | Alainna Lynch and Helen Bond

Welcome back to another episode of SDG Talks where we highlight change makers and their inspirational work towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)! Do you think it's possible to learn from history's wrongs so we can move everybody forward? IN THIS EPISODE: - Which past inequalities were further exposed by the pandemic? - How to use SDSN's reports to create sustainable action - Why SDG partnerships are so crucial Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN USA) is a network of universities and research institutions across the United States committed to building pathways towards achieving the SDGs and Paris Climate Agreement by mobilizing research, outreach and collective action. We were lucky enough to talk with SDSN's very own Senior Research Manager Alianna Lynch and Co-Chair Dr. Helen Bond to share their findings from the Racial Inequality Index report with all of you! Prior to SDSN, Alainna Lynch worked with Overseas Development Institute (ODI) on the Leave No One Behind Agenda. She has a degree in Sociology from the University of Chicago and a Master’s in Evidence-Based Social Intervention from Oxford University. Her research interests include understanding how poverty and inequality become entrenched in social systems, and how to prevent harm when designing policy and programs.  Dr. Helen Bond is an Associate Professor at Howard University in Washington D.C. and former director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Assessment. She is a Fulbright-Nehru Scholar to India and is a contributing author of the UNESCO publication, Teaching Respect for All: Implementation Guide, which outlines a curricular framework to promote respect which countries can adapt to their respective contexts and needs. She was also the contributing author to the UNESCO publication entitled, Teacher’s Guide on the Prevention of Violent Extremism, the first contribution to the implementation of the UN Secretary-General’s Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism, announced in January 2016. She authored a series of Teacher Guides for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Education for Justice (E4J) initiative that seeks to promote a culture of lawfulness through education. Connect with Alainna: LinkedIn Connect with Helen: LinkedIn Resources: - Never More Urgent - Full Report - In the Red - Full Report Let’s get SDG Talking!! Got a good story or want to collaborate? Send us an email at and we will get back to you as soon as we can! And don’t forget to check out our Virtual Roundtables on our website! Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn

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SDG Talks Podcast highlights Change Makers and their work around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our passion is to highlight people and organizations that work towards the 17 goals that will transform the world into a more equitable place for everyone. Got a good story? Send us an email at or visit us at