2023 Halloween Spooktacular with Myriam Jessier & Stephanie Walter
It's that time of year once again where Myriam Jessier & Stephanie Walter join Jack Chambers-Ward for the Halloween Spooktacular! This year, the terrifying trio discuss the scariest, most nightmarish FAQs they've ever encountered. Bad FAQs: https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/faq https://sandralmuller.com/why-faqs-provide-a-poor-user-experience/ Good FAQs and guides: https://mcphee.com/pages/faqs https://ricketyroo.com/blog/how-to-write-faqs/ Sponsored by SISTRIX - Sign up for TrendWatch - https://www.sistrix.com/trends/ For full links and show notes, go to search.withcandour.co.uk.