Secular Sexuality 06.12 with Eric Murphy, Christy Powell, & Thomas Westbrook

On today's show:Julie- Alaska3 kids, 12 year old questioning gender, new to LGBTQ communityEcil- San Diego, CAGirlfriend on Acutain and Prozac, she's got low libido and boyfriend needs advice to handle feeling rejectedFrodo- Godfrey, ILAtheist dating Christian trying to explore sexuality, difficult conversations about sexAstrid- ColoradoWanted to bring into light representation of LGBTQ as an asexual

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Secular Sexuality is a weekly call-in show live from Austin, Texas every Thursday at 7pm CT. Call us at 1-512-686-0279. We talk about sex from a secular perspective. Sex and sexuality are natural to all living creatures but religion takes this and twists it into something awful and to be ashamed of.Acceptance, education, and fun is what we strive for. We lay the intersection of sex and religion (and occasionally ourselves) bare, openly and honestly. We discuss a wide range of topics each week, removing the shame and reclaiming what has been natural to us all along. Secular Sexuality is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.Watch us on