Episode 1 - Physical Feats

Your physical security is key to your cybersecurity. The most secure network can be breached if an attacker can walk into your server room. And that's what Alias tries to do in a Physical Penetration test.On this episode, host Tanner Shinn is joined by Alias Security Engineer Robert Leasure to discuss the tips and tricks of the trade and share stories of favorite and most successful tactics and engagements. Watch the full video at youtube.com/@aliascybersecurity.Catch the whole episode n...

Om Podcasten

People often imagine hackers lurking in back alleys, skulking through darkness. Even though the reality is cybersecurity, and even hacking, is more corporate, there’s still an on-the-streets vibe to much of what cyber professionals do. If that’s where your interest lies, The Secure After Dark podcast is for you.Join host Tanner Shinn to learn from Alias and outside guests about the often-hidden side of cybersecurity.