Episode 3 - Let's Get Physical: Tips of the Trade for Forced an Coerced Entry, Part 1

Looking to "break into" cybersecurity? Maybe it involves literally learning how to break in!Physical penetration is one of the most interesting, obscure, and rewarding parts of checking organizational (and sometimes personal) security. The most secure network isn't safe if it's not protected physically.Host Tanner Shinn is joined today by Skypirate (aka Marcus Singletary), a longtime army expert in covert and surreptitious entry and founder of Cloaked Entry Co. They'll talk all things forced ...

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People often imagine hackers lurking in back alleys, skulking through darkness. Even though the reality is cybersecurity, and even hacking, is more corporate, there’s still an on-the-streets vibe to much of what cyber professionals do. If that’s where your interest lies, The Secure After Dark podcast is for you.Join host Tanner Shinn to learn from Alias and outside guests about the often-hidden side of cybersecurity.