64: The Intersection of Technology and Society: Navigating a New Era with TK Keanini, CTO of Cisco Secure

Technology has transformed our world in ways we couldn't have imagined just a few decades ago. But as we continue to rely on technology to connect, learn, and innovate, we must also consider the impact it has on our society. Taz and guest TK Keanini explore the intersection of digital sociology, responsible tech, ethics, and cybersecurity and how they shape the way we live, work, and interact with one another. From examining the social and ethical implications of new technological developments to discussing how we can create a more equitable, just, and sustainable digital future, this podcast will inspire you to think critically about the role technology plays in our lives and how we can use it to create a better world.

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Security Stories shares the tales of people within the security industry and the wider world. As technology becomes more powerful, and our digital lives expand to new reaches, security continues to remain as a fundamental framework of our society. Storytelling is how we get these powerful messages across. Keeping security at the center, we interview leaders in and out of the security industry and share their insights that shine new light to how we think and plan around risk and manage the challenges of today and tomorrow. Hosted by Tedx speaker, Cyber Security Specialist and Communications expert, Tazin Khan. Discover more at https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/security/securitystories.html