Sunshine Episode: Reasons to feel good about the future of cyber security

Dark clouds seem to hang over the security industry, especially after Black Hat and DEF CON. Playing constant defense can be disheartening, especially after hearing about every new type of possible attack in Las Vegas. We felt everyone could use a little post conference pick-me up so we pulled together this short (~15 min) episode which focuses on all the positive things that are happening in the industry from past interviews. We’ve often reflected on how interesting and encouraging it is that every guest we’ve interviewed has always had something they thought was much improved from the past— and how everyone of these industry luminaries called out something different than the others.

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There are great stories in the security industry that aren’t being told. Fascinating people who fly below the radar and aren’t being heard. We know because we encounter them in hallways, hotel lobbies and just about everywhere imaginable across the globe. Everytime we think “I wish I had recorded that conversation so that everyone could hear it…” Our goal with Security Voices is to provide a place for clear-headed dialogue with great people that’s unencumbered by the hyperbole and shouting that’s far too common in security circles. We don’t have anything against sponsors or sales pitches, but they run counter to our goal of cutting through the noise, so we don’t have either. We’re aiming for 100% clear signal.