The Modern CISO: Justin Dolly

In a world not-so-long-ago, CISO’s fought for people to understand what they did and why it mattered. Fast forward to today, and the modern CISO faces a dizzying variety of challenges everywhere from the boardroom to explain 3rd party risk management to product design sessions where they might be debating anything from data anonymization to SOC2 compliance. Our guest in this episode, Justin Dolly, stands apart as a no-nonsense CISO who has covered a truly broad spectrum of problems such as negotiating consumer privacy trade-offs for fitness wearables while at Jawbone or diving headlong into the ransomware problem at MalwareBytes. During this episode, Justin weighs in on the future of identity, the death of passwords and whether moving to a ZeroTrust model is more aspirational than practical. This episode has something for everyone with the notable exception of people who love VPNs. Justin’s fiercely pragmatic approach and gift for storytelling make this one of our favorite episodes so far.

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There are great stories in the security industry that aren’t being told. Fascinating people who fly below the radar and aren’t being heard. We know because we encounter them in hallways, hotel lobbies and just about everywhere imaginable across the globe. Everytime we think “I wish I had recorded that conversation so that everyone could hear it…” Our goal with Security Voices is to provide a place for clear-headed dialogue with great people that’s unencumbered by the hyperbole and shouting that’s far too common in security circles. We don’t have anything against sponsors or sales pitches, but they run counter to our goal of cutting through the noise, so we don’t have either. We’re aiming for 100% clear signal.