18: Capsule Books, Harry Potter, and The Struggles of Entrepreneurship with Natasha Lioe

Natasha Lioe is the founder and CEO of Capsule Books, a company that aims to categorize books in a different way: through feeling. She hopes to show people how important a quiet pastime like reading is in a world where people only hear the loudest voice. In this episode, Natasha shares why she started Capsule books, we discuss our love of Harry Potter, and Natasha flips the script to ask about MY story. --- Save 15% at capsulebooks.com with the code SELFCARESUNDAY More episodes & shownotes at selfcaresunday.co

Om Podcasten

Self-Care Sunday is a weekly podcast hosted by Kayley Reed, as she explores the relationship between mental health, entrepreneurship, social media, and self-care. From sharing personal struggles, to interviewing female entrepreneurs, influencers, and artists - Self-Care Sunday exists as an authentic inquiry into what it means to take care of yourself as a woman in the digital age.