23. your guide to sticking to your goals this summer + staying on track

If you're like me & get anxious when summer rolls around because you're wondering how you're going to stick to your routine...tune in! Here are my tips on staying on track+ keeping up with your goals this summer all while still have a good time. Thank you so much for listening! <3 Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thatwellnessgurl/ https://www.instagram.com/caitlindechiara/ https://www.instagram.com/selfcaresznpodcast/TikTok tiktok.com/@caitlindechiaraYouTube https://www.youtub...

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Self care is so much more than a hot bath when you're stressed or splurging on your fav beauty product. Tune in every Monday to Self Care Szn with Caitlin DeChiara where she dives into building confidence, becoming the best version of you and so much more! (@selfcaresznpodcast @caitlindechiara @thatwellnessgurl)