STC068 How to triple your turnover in one year selling to corporate companies with Paul Holbrook

Creating a corporate revenue stream and consistently growing it year on year can be a challenge - and our guest for this episode, Paul Holbrook, is a leadership expert who wanted to experience rapid growth with his corporate revenue. Twelve months after joining The C Suite ®, Paul had tripled his turnover from the previous year and is now working with global organisations to support better quality management in leadership teams and to encourage high levels of performance and productivity. If you’re interested in seeing serious revenue growth in your business - or applying high performance working techniques, then this episode is for you!   During this podcast, we’re discussing;   The frustrations Paul had when working for large Financial Services firms that led him to setting up his business. (00:54) The biggest objection Paul heard from prospective stakeholders that made him shift his business focus. (01:14) More productive ways to colour code diaries in order to genuinely achieve more. (02:56) How changing colour codes can help you to reflect on successful business activities. (03:41) How we can avoid living in the gaps between work - and prioritise it instead! (05:43) How the pandemic changed the way that corporate companies think about time management for their employees. (07:46) What corporates have recognised as being the ‘real’ problem now. (09:54) How planning ahead for key holiday periods helps to support business planning. (10:32) The power of accepting the true costs of your commitments and what that means for managing corporate client expectations. (11:37) How to tell the difference between over-delivery and consistently working outside of your scope with corporate clients. (13:12) Colour coding your calendar to support more productivity. (14:05) How companies like The Wellcome Trust are using productivity techniques to move employees to a four day week and why other organisations are looking to do the same. (21:20) How Paul knew that joining The C Suite ® was a no brainer decision for his business. (24:44) The ways that Paul used the live support inside The C Suite ® to triple his sales turnover. (26:02) How to make the most of the experience if you’re going to invest in The C Suite ®. (29:23) Why Paul joined The C Suite ® even though he has a sales director in his family! (31:26) How Paul is handling sales objections differently now from corporate clients - and how it’s converting into more closed deals. (34:55) Paul’s biggest breakthrough inside The C Suite ® and how it’s helped change his corporate sales process entirely. (37:37) Plus a whole lot more!    Key Resources Mentioned in this Episode: Join The C Suite ® now! If you’re looking to get the best support in selling your services to corporate organisations, not to mention hundreds of email templates, swipe files and proposal outlines so that you really can convert at much higher rates and sell your services more successfully then click here to join the waitlist now.   Take the Selling to Corporate ® offer quiz and find out what the best offer is that you could sell to corporate.    Converting Corporates Bundle: If you’re looking to learn the foundational pieces to successfully sell your services to corporate organisations, grab this fabulous self study programme here! You’ll learn how to; Create your 250K corporate sales plan, set your business development strategy for success, understand and successfully generate qualified leads and hear from real hiring managers on their top tips for pitching to organisations!    Book an exploratory chat with me! I’m offering exploratory sessions with me so that you can ask any questions you have about The C Suite ® and how it can benefit your business. These opportunities are incredibly limited - so if you’d like my eyes on your business and a totally transparent conversation about how The C Suite ® could support your goals, schedule your call today.   Top 5 Business Development Questions: If you’re looking to convert more business development calls into sales? You need to be asking the right questions and getting the best information to support future work. Download my Top 5 BDQs here and start getting quality information from your prospects.   If you've been consuming the content and LOVE the show, please make sure you take five minutes out of your day to leave a review.  Click here if you would like to listen to my recent TEDx talk.

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There has never been a better time to sell high quality services to corporate organisations. In a time when the corporate world are spending over a trillion dollars per year on external vendors and suppliers, I want to show you how you can be creating, selling and delivering high ticket, high transformation offers to corporate organisations. So if you're a service based small business owner who is ready to learn the power of consultative selling to corporates, now is the time to hit that subscribe button and learn how you can increase your profits!