SPECIAL EDITION: CORONAVIRUS: What Parents Need to Know about At-Home Learning with Educator Mary Brant

Parents nationwide are understandably overwhelmed with new responsibilities as teachers and caretakers while also holding their full-time jobs. Kindergarten teacher Mary Brant shares her perspective on realistic at-home learning, creative ways to keep your kids engaged and says that, yes, you can even include screen time in your child’s activities.

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Money is a big source of stress for today’s young women. But it doesn’t have to be. Seneca Women, in partnership with Secret Deodorant, recently hosted a Young Women’s Financial Wellness Forum at the New York Stock Exchange, where  renowned financial experts shared their tips on everything from budgeting to investing: Financial empowerment 101. Now we’re bringing that great advice to you free in a special five-part series on Seneca Women’s Conversations podcast. It’s called "Secret Money Tips," and it’s in partnership with Secret deodorant.