Carolyn Tastad, Deanna Bass and Abby Wambach: Getting to Equal

Carolyn Tastad, Group President, North America and Deanna Bass, Vice President, Global Diversity, Equality and Inclusion—both of P&G—have created an impressive gender equality strategy that is breaking new ground. Soccer legend, Olympic gold medalist, author and activist Abby Wambach joins them in a conversation about women in leadership, excerpted from our special 6-episode series, Getting to Equal, that kicks off the new season of Seneca’s Conversations on Power and Purpose.

Om Podcasten

What if you could learn from 100 of the world’s most inspiring women? Introducing “Seneca’s 100 Women to Hear” a podcast brought to you by the Seneca Women’s Podcast Network and iHeartRadio in partnership with P&G. Over the course of 100 episodes you’ll hear from women who broke barriers, changed history and are building bridges across political divides. You’ll get insight into not just what they accomplished but how they think about the world. These are Seneca’s 100 women to hear. Listen, learn and get inspired!