Jessica O. Matthews: Changing the Way the World Gets Its Electricity

Jessica O. Matthews has two degrees from Harvard, holds 11 patents and has been on the cover of Forbes magazine—twice! But it’s what she’s doing with all that talent that is so impressive: She is on a mission to revolutionize the global power grid—making it sustainable, reliable and accessible to underserved communities around the world.

Om Podcasten

What if you could learn from 100 of the world’s most inspiring women? Introducing “Seneca’s 100 Women to Hear” a podcast brought to you by the Seneca Women’s Podcast Network and iHeartRadio in partnership with P&G. Over the course of 100 episodes you’ll hear from women who broke barriers, changed history and are building bridges across political divides. You’ll get insight into not just what they accomplished but how they think about the world. These are Seneca’s 100 women to hear. Listen, learn and get inspired!