Autism Passports - The Life Changing Document That You Probably Haven't Heard Of!

This week on the podcast, Lorraine talks about Autism Passports. Autism Passports are the life-changing you probably haven't heard of. This is an essential document for any Autistic Person or anyone with SPD, it will allow your life to become so much easier and remove a lot of the stress you'll find in daily life! Listen to this podcast to find out all about these life-changing documents and how you can benefit from them! As well as this we talk about Joel's podcast on Autism knowledge and the rise of Autism activists. Stress-Busting Apps & The Disney Princess who helped a meltdown!

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Sensory Matters is a weekly podcast featuring expert interviews from the world of Sensory Seeking, Stimming & Autism. Supporting the World‘s Number 1 community of Sensory Seekers at this show is all about helping sensory seekers, avoiders carers and professionals with useful, interesting and inspiring stories. Find out more at,