Offering True Comfort

It can be difficult to know how to encourage those you know who are hurting or reeling from trial with Christlike comfort. The world has its prescription for how to make someone feel better about themselves, but how do we “weep with those who weep” and give courage to those who are aching with words that will truly bind up and heal? Leslie tackles the difference between the worldly comfort that leads to self-pity and Christlike comfort that turns eyes to Jesus and reminds others of unshakable truth!

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Inspiring women of all ages to pursue Christ-centered femininity, bestselling author Leslie Ludy speaks straightforwardly, giving biblical and practical advice on how to live as a godly woman amidst a self-seeking and shallow culture. With episodes on purity, purpose, devotional living, true beauty, Bible study, mentoring, leadership, friendships, romantic relationships, marriage, and family, this soul-stirring podcast will encourage you to surrender your life to the one true King and find true fulfillment and purpose in Him!