Social Media, Part 2 - A Biblical Mindset, Part 20

Leslie continues her Biblical Mindset series this week, diving into Part Two of a Christ-centered approach toward social media. In this episode, Leslie challenges us to examine whether social media is being used in our lives for God's glory or as a distraction or addiction that pulls us away from Him, and offers several practical, Christ-centered steps we can take to put social media in it's proper place. At the end of our lives, we won't want to look back and see the countless hours wasted on things not worthwhile. As Leslie shares in this episode, honoring God's pattern in our digital conduct is one of the best ways to ensure that we are building our days around what is truly important.For more resources from Leslie, visit To support Set Apart Ministries, visit To learn more about our 2024 Ellerslie programs, visit To watch student testimonies and learn more about a season at Ellerslie, visit

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Inspiring women of all ages to pursue Christ-centered femininity, bestselling author Leslie Ludy speaks straightforwardly, giving biblical and practical advice on how to live as a godly woman amidst a self-seeking and shallow culture. With episodes on purity, purpose, devotional living, true beauty, Bible study, mentoring, leadership, friendships, romantic relationships, marriage, and family, this soul-stirring podcast will encourage you to surrender your life to the one true King and find true fulfillment and purpose in Him!