058: Showing Up As The Best Version of Yourself In Times of Uncertainty
The corporate world has rapidly adapted to online working over the past year. Companies are now better set up to cope with a remote workforce, and there’s a real need to ensure continuity in business so that the impact on the economy of lockdown is kept to a minimum. But even though we are all getting better at doing life and work in lockdown, it is still hugely important that you adapt your routines to build in the self-care you need to show up as the best version of yourself this quarter. Things feel uncertain. There’s a lot of talk about the economy and how it will all take decades to recover from and other equally negative predictions. Despite our best intentions, it can be hard to get your best energy flowing against this backdrop. This week on the podcast I am talking about how to show up as the best version of yourself when the pressure is on. I talk about: Building in the self-care you need to show up as the best version of yourself Knowing what you need to focus on How you show up day to day Taking the pressure off yourself Showing yourself compassion and acceptance Useful links: Find out more about working with me and apply Jessica’s LinkedIn profile Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts