12-26-21 Kristina McCutcheon Looking at the Dharma Behind the Shambhala Code of Conduct: Part III

Shambhala has adopted a Code of Conduct. Part I looked at the dharmic teachings that support this to be a societal view. Part II focussed on bringing these principles into our daily interactions. Part III will explore how we can turn our attention to being friendly to ourselves and kinder to others and actually be of help. In this way we have the potential to reverse the way we see things and to connect with the great mahayana teachings of: “rejoice in the virtues of others” and “be grateful ...

Om Podcasten

Each week we invite guest presenter from the Shambhala community to share what is meaningful to them or to share a brief Dharma talk. These explorations range from the reality of Impermanence, Death, and the unknown to how we express and work with Joy, Contentment and Fearless in our Everyday Life.