4-17-23 Richard John Dharma and Life Decisions

"It is not enough to always abide by the rules." -- Chögyam TrungpaEvery choice we make, from the seemingly insignificant to life-changing decisions, affects the course of our life and path. We usually make choices according to habits and norms, and as practitioners we also rely on our teachers and institutions. But what truly matters for each of us is our state of mind.The process of hearing, contemplating and meditating is indispensable for gradually taking us from always depending on...

Om Podcasten

Each week we invite guest presenter from the Shambhala community to share what is meaningful to them or to share a brief Dharma talk. These explorations range from the reality of Impermanence, Death, and the unknown to how we express and work with Joy, Contentment and Fearless in our Everyday Life.