6-2-22 Elaine Yuen So, What's it Like to be Asian in the Shambhala Community?

What are our cultural and political differences, and how does one “belong” to diverse social groups? Using a personal lens as a starting point, Elaine invites you to join her in exploring how Shambhala teachings might support this contemplation.I’ve been in the Shambhala community since the early 1970s, but recently, in the midst of current conversations around race, ethnicity, and belonging, took some time to consider my Asian American identity, and how it “shows up” in different contexts. W...

Om Podcasten

Each week we invite guest presenter from the Shambhala community to share what is meaningful to them or to share a brief Dharma talk. These explorations range from the reality of Impermanence, Death, and the unknown to how we express and work with Joy, Contentment and Fearless in our Everyday Life.