Tony Haile; Scroll

In episode 12 we chat with Tony Haile about his journey to help change the internet by creating an ad free one, a world with no ads would be blazing fast with no ad technology slowing things down, It would be clean, no clickbait links at the bottom of articles, it would be private, no shadowy trackers selling your data and it would encourage quality—paying for engagement, not clicks and ultimately supporting higher quality journalism the world over

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Find and tell the stories that inspire more people to rethink the way the world works. We interview people from all over the world who are changing our systems.. this might be food, energy, finance, education, health, environment, charitable.. anything really. They may be involved as founders or CEOs or providers to the specific vertical. The ventures they operate may be non-profit or for profit but they will have found a way to create success, sustainability and impact.