Quran with SFH Series: Surah Al Falaq

Those who are on a path of rising intelligence and consciousness, and who want to minimize conflict and suffering, are advised to take refuge and not enter the distractions of more power, and wealth etc. Human consciousness is one of many multiverses of which we have no knowledge. Dabbling in unseen powers is extremely dangerous and will cause one destruction. We are advised to stay within very narrow boundaries and not seek any powers, no matter how 'well intended' those powers may be, especially those of the Djinn. This surah enjoins us not to enter any zone that gives us power beyond reason, to keep our gaze down/lowered and to keep ourselves honest with a willingness to confess who our Lord is, at all times. 1. Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn,2. From the evil of what He has created,3. And from the evil of the utterly dark night when it comes,4. And from the evil of those who blow on knots,5. And from the evil of the envious when he envies

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Shaykh Haeri's unifying perspective emphasises practical, actionable knowledge of self-transformation. It provides a natural bridge between different approaches to spirituality, offering common ground of higher knowledge for various religions, sects and secular outlooks. His main work has been to make traditional Islamic teachings more comprehensible and widely available to the modern seeker through courses and publications. Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri is currently engaged in lecturing and writing books and commentaries on the Holy Qur'an and related subjects, with particular emphasis on irfan.