137: 5 Ways To Survive The Entrepreneurial Roller Coaster

The entrepreneurial journey is a crazy one. In fact, it can feel like riding a roller coaster ride in the dark! It can feel lonely, scary and you never know what to expect and what you’re going to have to deal with.  There’s no special secret to help you avoid this crazy ride - even the most successful people in the world are on the roller coaster with you. We’re all human, which means that no one gets to escape the fact that we are emotional beings and that we go through all sorts of ups and downs.  It’s easy to feel like you’re the only person in the world who struggles like this and that everyone else has everything figured out - but no one is just plain sailing through this life.  As an entrepreneur coming up with exciting ideas and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, it’s normal to feel inspired and fired up one day and completely stuck in the “Valley of Despair” the next day.  The most important thing to do is to be intentional about managing that roller coaster ride.  Which is why in today’s episode I want to share with you 5 things that really help me to get through the ups and downs, to stay consistent and to enjoy the ride! If you would love more support as you go through this journey, we’ve got an amazing challenge coming up soon called Ideas To Income, which is going to get you inspired and fired up to make 2022 your most successful year ever. Join the waitlist and we’ll let you know when it’s open for you to register your free spot! Click here to join the waitlist >> In the meantime, check out our “Goodbye 2021” workbook, which is going to help you to reflect over the past year and set your goals and intentions for the year ahead. Click here to download your free copy >>

Om Podcasten

Get inspired and fired up every Tuesday with Carrie Green, founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association and author of She Means Business! Are you ready to turn your ideas into reality and build a wildly successful business? There has never been a better time to say YES. With a computer and an Internet connection you can get your ideas, messages and business out there like never before and create so much success. People are doing this every single day and you can too. The She Means Business Podcast brings together incredible stories of female entrepreneurs from around the world who are following their hearts, building the business of their dreams and creating the success and abundance they desire. The host, Carrie Green also shares her personal experiences of building two successful businesses with no money, no business knowledge, but lots of ambition and determination to figure it out. If you’re a creative and ambitious female entrepreneur, or are contemplating the entrepreneurial path, this podcast will provide the honest, realistic and practical tools you need to follow your heart and create a wildly successful business.