171: Feeling Lost? Here's How to Find Your Way Again

Building a business is a never-ending rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. One day we’re feeling amazing and full of inspiration and motivation… the next we’re feeling stuck, confused and totally lost. It happens to every single one of us! So in this episode I want to share with you: What to do when you feel isolated or lost 5 really simple yet powerful things that will help you to move forward How to reconnect with yourself and your purpose How feelings of discomfort can actually be a sign of growth and rebirth I really hope this episode helps you to feel less alone and more capable of getting through rough patches. If you’d love to be part of an incredible support network of people who understand the ups and downs of building a business (including me!), check out our amazing Members’ Club. The doors are closed right now, but you can join the waitlist here: https://femaleentrepreneurassociation.com/mc-2022-waitlist/ Oh, one last thing! If you’re enjoying the She Means Business podcast, it would mean so much to me if you could leave me a review. Thank you! EPISODE SHOW NOTES  FEA INSTAGRAM CARRIE GREEN INSTAGRAM CARRIE & CO. INSTAGRAM SHE MEANS BUSINESS BOOK

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Get inspired and fired up every Tuesday with Carrie Green, founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association and author of She Means Business! Are you ready to turn your ideas into reality and build a wildly successful business? There has never been a better time to say YES. With a computer and an Internet connection you can get your ideas, messages and business out there like never before and create so much success. People are doing this every single day and you can too. The She Means Business Podcast brings together incredible stories of female entrepreneurs from around the world who are following their hearts, building the business of their dreams and creating the success and abundance they desire. The host, Carrie Green also shares her personal experiences of building two successful businesses with no money, no business knowledge, but lots of ambition and determination to figure it out. If you’re a creative and ambitious female entrepreneur, or are contemplating the entrepreneurial path, this podcast will provide the honest, realistic and practical tools you need to follow your heart and create a wildly successful business.