Philippians Week 1 with John Greco

Philippians - Week 1 |Raechel, Amanda, and John are back together to dive into the first week of the SRT Philippians reading plan. They discuss how Paul's encouraging letter to the church at Philippi puts the upside-down nature of God's kingdom on full display: Suffering and joy go hand in hand, death has lost its sting, and every gain is counted as loss when compared to the blessing of knowing Christ. When Jesus takes hold of us, nothing is ever the same again!Read with Us: This episode...

Om Podcasten

We know reading the Bible every day can be hard. It’s easy to feel stuck, lost, or unsure where to start. We get it. We’ve been there too. Our hope for this podcast is that it will serve as a complement to our reading plans, to encourage you on your commute to work, while you’re out for a walk, or at home making dinner. God’s Word is for you and for now. That's why our community is here and always open to you.