Our Approaches toward Santa - Episode 31

Nicole and Amy are back from fall break to talk about the holidays! In this week's episode, we are catching up and sharing how we approach Santa in our homes. While every Montessori family will find their own rhythm when it comes celebrations. We also address the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny. Honest Santa discussion starts at 23 minutes. Show Notes found here: https://www.thekavanaughreport.com/2020/11/shelf-ep-31-our-approaches-toward-santa.html

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Parenting is tough these days; it can feel even harder when you're doing it alone. That's why we're here - this is Shelf Help, where Montessori and parenting meet. Join Nicole Kavanaugh, Amy Dorsch, and friends to chat about Montessori, kids, mom life, and all the joy in between.