Q&A Part 2 - Episode 39

With Amy still on maternity leave we have another question and answer session! We talk about a variety of topics including the Montessori approach to chore charts, to baby routines, and baby gates. Nicole and Amy also have a long discussion about toddler independence, separation anxiety and what to do when toddler's say "no!" Show Notes: https://www.thekavanaughreport.com/2021/01/shelf-help-ep-39-q-part-2.html 

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Parenting is tough these days; it can feel even harder when you're doing it alone. That's why we're here - this is Shelf Help, where Montessori and parenting meet. Join Nicole Kavanaugh, Amy Dorsch, and friends to chat about Montessori, kids, mom life, and all the joy in between.