Breaking Out Of Victim Mentality - Taking Back Your Power

So it's true... your outer world is only a reflection of your inner word but how do you fix that reflection? If your not happy with your results and your current reality, chances are you need to look within and make changes. A lot of the time you're a victim in your life and you're trapped in a program that causes you to think, feel and behave the way you do. This episode is all about what any of this actually means, where do you start and what you do so you can change your results, focusing on how to break free from victim mentality and holding yourself accountable. 

Om Podcasten

Welcome to "Dear Bahja," hosted by Bahja Abdi – a podcast that's your guide to success in this life and the next. Named after the personal letters Bahja writes to her former self, this show shares the insights she wished she knew during times of feeling lost. Join us for a journey of self-improvement, purposeful living, and paving the path to a successful afterlife. Bahja covers a range of topics, from mindset and spirituality to health and relationships.