Series 4 - Ep2 - John Bertrand Part 2

Part 2 of double Olympic gold medallist Robertson's chat with the skipper of the America's Cup's first ever successful Challenger, Australian John Bertrand. It was exactly thirty nine years ago that Bertrand, skippering "Australia II" in Newport, crossed the finish line ahead of Dennis Connor's Defending "Liberty", to end the New York Yacht Club's one hundred and thirty two year winning streak. For the sport of sailing, it provoked a seismic shift in international competitio...

Om Podcasten

In depth and personal interviews from the leading characters of Sailing's diverse competitive arena, hosted by the sport's leading media personality, double Olympic gold medallist, Shirley Robertson. From inside the closed doors of the America's Cup, to the pressures and excitement of the Olympic race course, the danger and jeopardy of racing non-stop around the planet to the ultimate quest for the world's fastest sailing boat, Shirley Robertson sits down and talks all things sailing with the brightest lights in the sport.