#28 Godspeed (Ft. Lauren O’Neal)
Got the Need for Godspeed? Join us as we and our guest Lauren O’Neal from Sunday School Dropouts cover Enaga Takabatake’s manga and oh boy was it a piece of holy crap. Show Notes: You can reach us at shonenflop@gmail.com or on Twitter @shonenflopcast Episode art by Shannon (IG: illuminyatea) You can find Lauren O’Neal’s podcast Sunday School Dropouts at sundayschooldropouts.lol; her book Empty the Pews: Stories of Leaving the Church at bookshop.org/books/empty-the-pews-stories-of-leaving-the-church/9781946093134; and find her on Twitter: @laureneoneal We have merch! Get official Shonen Flop shirts, mugs, and whatever else you might need https://www.teepublic.com/user/the-shonen-flop-podcast Be sure to join the Shonen Flop Discord where you can talk to us, play games with the community, and join the comic book book club! Find it at https://discord.gg/4hC3SqRw8r Shoutouts: Thank you nitwittu-kun from the Shonen Flop Discord for the series recommendation! The Nerd Alternative: linktr.ee/thenerdalternative Aging Otakus Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/aging-otakus-a-retro-anime-podcast/id1529834010