Episode 12 – Show Time Spanish

In episode 12 of Show Time Spanish, Mark and Alba get all poetic as they celebrate the 250th anniversary of el poeta nacional de Escocia, Robert Burns. Alba learns some Scots and in return she teaches Mark a poem by Spanish poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. The intermedio includes a review of the film Secretos del Corazón, and José introduces some interesting ways to convey the concept of “to fancy doing something”. Language points covered include how to translate “to realise” and the construction estar a punto de + infinitive, meaning “to be about to do something”.
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If you've followed the Coffee Break Spanish course, you're ready to put your Spanish to use in real situations, and with Show Time Spanish you'll continue to learn in the same relaxed way, increasing your range of expression, mastering the grammar, and developing your confidence so that you can use the language when you need to. It's time to step up to the mic! Break a leg, take a bow - it's Show Time!