Webinar: Charity Special with Blind Veterans UK

In March of this year our world was turned upside-down. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a huge impact right across society and continues to do so. For charities and those who provide services to some of the most vulnerable groups in society, a loss in fundraised income and diminished face-to-face contact has been extremely challenging. In the first of an occasional series, we’re going to the heart of this sector, and talking with some of our charity partners to find out just how the last few months have been for them and the people with whom they work. We’re delighted in this session to host our friends from Blind Veterans UK. The charity helps ex-Service men and women of every generation rebuild their lives after sight loss. With a membership of just under 5,000, they are always opening to new members.

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Sight and Sound Technology is the UK's leading provider of hardware and software to the blind, visually impaired and those with learning and reading difficulties. Our podcast is another channel for us to communicate all our latest news, talk about our product portfolio and speak to the people for whom our products are making a life-changing impact.