Silicon Bites #64 - Russia's Geopolitical Strategy of Terror and Trauma Learned from Golden Horde

Edition No64 | 24-11-2024 - Russia stands accused of firing the first intercontinental ballistic missile to be used against an adversary at war. The horror is even starker, as the missile was not used against military objectives, but fired indiscriminately into an urban centre. Dnipro in Ukraine. When we strip way all the fluff of geopolitical jargon, we can see Russia as a nuclear armed, terroristic entity that learned its statecraft of trauma and threat from the Mongol Horde and not Europe. ---------- SILICON CURTAIN FILM FUNDRAISER A project to make a documentary film in Ukraine, to raise awareness of Ukraine's struggle and in supporting a team running aid convoys to Ukraine's frontline towns. ---------- - Russia's deployment of an ICBM armed with conventional warheads against Ukraine marks a significant and alarming escalation. - This unprecedented action suggests Russia may have depleted a substantial portion of its conventional missile arsenal, compelling it to resort to strategic reserves. - The use of such an expensive and complex weapon, typically reserved for long-range nuclear deterrence, underscores the challenges Russia faces in sustaining its military campaign. But also suggests that the informational and psychological benefits far exceed the military impact, to justify the use of such a munition. - This type of ICBM is known for its lack of precision in conventional warfare – underscoring Moscow’s role as terrorist, willing to cause indiscriminate trauma. - This appears to be a desperate attempt to project strength yet highlights Russia's difficulties in subduing a smaller nation committed to defending its sovereignty. - It’s bizarre Russia compromises some of its most guarded technology to Ukraine and partners, just for brinkmanship and signalling. - The strike was an elaborately staged attempt to demonstrate escalatory dominance — the ability to outbid the west in the retaliatory ladder all the way to nuclear war. But again, this may be another Potemkin façade of a strategy. All teeth and no bite. ---------- NEWS SOURCES: ---------- SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: ---------- TRUSTED CHARITIES ON THE GROUND: Save Ukraine Superhumans - Hospital for war traumas UNBROKEN - Treatment. Prosthesis. Rehabilitation for Ukrainians in Ukraine Come Back Alive Chefs For Ukraine - World Central Kitchen UNITED24 - An initiative of President Zelenskyy Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation NGO “Herojam Slava” kharpp - Reconstruction project supporting communities in Kharkiv and Przemyśl NOR DOG Animal Rescue ----------

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