Silicon Bites #68 - Assad's Brutal Regime is Falling and Putin Feels the Walls Close in Around him

Edition No68 | 08-12-2024 - Assad is falling – in fact the total capitulation of his regime may be confirmed by the time this episode comes out. The mainstream media are paying attention and giving these events prominence fitting with their historical importance. The rapid collapse of the Assad clan’s 50-year reign of tyranny is a major blow to Russia and Iran in the region and will send out shockwaves to autocratic regimes around the world. Colour revolutions are back. It’s doubtful Putin will see these as organic manifestations of people power, or reactions to the brutal repressions of dictators. For him, autocracy is the natural order of the world, so he is likely to see plots and conspiracies by his enemies behind the unfolding events. The walls are closing in on Putin, as one-by-one his schemes to project Russian power, control and influence fail. ---------- SILICON CURTAIN FILM FUNDRAISER A project to make a documentary film in Ukraine, to raise awareness of Ukraine's struggle and in supporting a team running aid convoys to Ukraine's frontline towns. ---------- Hezbollah and Hamas are decimated, and their power much reduced. The Islamic Republic of Iran is greatly weakened and humiliated. The attempt at state capture in Romania through one of the Kremlin’s puppet populist politicians has failed decisively. The reaction of the Romains security services, and electoral commission provides a template for how sovereign democracies should fight back hard against Kremlin influence and operations. The decades-long attempt at state capture in Georgia is faltering, fast descending into brutal repression and violence. The mask of Kremlin intentions has been ripped off. The hybrid approach is no longer effective, and they are resorting to brutish violence in their desperation. Lenin's quote comes to mind, there are decades when nothing happens and then weeks when decades happen. ---------- NEWS SOURCES: ---------- SUPPORT THE CHANNEL: ---------- TRUSTED CHARITIES ON THE GROUND: Save Ukraine Superhumans - Hospital for war traumas UNBROKEN - Treatment. Prosthesis. Rehabilitation for Ukrainians in Ukraine Come Back Alive Chefs For Ukraine - World Central Kitchen UNITED24 - An initiative of President Zelenskyy Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation NGO “Herojam Slava” kharpp - Reconstruction project supporting communities in Kharkiv and Przemysl NOR DOG Animal Rescue ----------

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