Protecting Our Brains ft. Dr. Carl Marci

In continuing my quest to find a balance in my own use of digital technology, I found the book Rewired: Protecting your brain in the digital age. The author, Dr. Carl Marci, reviews mounting evidence that overuse of smart phones and social media is rewiring our brains. Links from the episode Dr. Marci's book: Rewired: Protecting your brain in the digital age Simple Families Podcast Episode 344: Addictive Technology ft. Gaia Bernstein Simple Families Podcast Episode 302: Analog Curious I Simple Families Podcast Episode 303: Analog Curious II Sponsors Fast Growing Trees: Receive 15% off your entire order on Just Thrive Health: Visit and use the promo code 'Simple' to receive 20% off a 90-day supply of Just Thrive Probiotics or Just Calm.

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Simple Families offers solutions for living well with children. In this show, we focus on child behavior, positive parenting, family wellness, and decreasing the mental load. As a Mama with a doctorate in Child Development, Denaye’s perspectives are grounded in research, but more importantly real life.