SFP 162: Reading Aloud + Our Book Overhaul [with Emily Cook of Build Your Library]

I recently went through and did a huge book overhaul. I got rid of all the “twaddle” in favor of prioritizing high quality, well-written children’s books. To quote today’s guest Emily Cook, “well-read children will grow into well-read adults”. In this episode, Emily and I talk about reading aloud and choosing great books for our children.

Show Notes/Links:

* (Our new fairytale books) Atlas of Classic Tales/Atlas of Fairy Tales* My Father’s Dragon* Good Omen* Emily’s Website: Build Your Library* Emily on YouTube: Arrrgh Schooling* Emily on Instagram: bylibrarycurriculum* Emily on Twitter* Emily’s Book: A Literary Education

Om Podcasten

Simple Families offers solutions for living well with children. In this show, we focus on child behavior, positive parenting, family wellness, and decreasing the mental load. As a Mama with a doctorate in Child Development, Denaye’s perspectives are grounded in research, but more importantly real life.