#29 - Article: Swedish Easter

I det här avsnittet läser jag en artikel på enkel svenska om hur vi firar påsk i Sverige. Du kan hitta halva artikeln på swedishlinguist.com. Om du är intresserad av att stödja det här projektet så kan du bli patron. Då får du tillgång till alla hela artiklar och transkript från denna podden!In this episode I'm reading an article in easy Swedish about how we celebrate Easter in Sweden. You can find half the article on swedishlinguist.com. If you're interested in supporting this project you can become a patron. You will then get access to all the full articles and transcripts from this podcast!

Om Podcasten

Note: No sequential order! Start with the latest episodes to not miss out on new information! Podcast summary: Weekly episodes in natural but slower and simpler Swedish. This podcast is for you who is no longer a complete beginner, but still find native content to challenging. Listen to Simple Swedish Podcast every day, and soon you‘ll understand spoken Swedish much better! Every week there‘s a new theme, ranging from useful topics, language learning, personal growth, and just life! :)