DDP & Jake The Snake Join The Undertaker | Six Feet Under #55 Part 2

On this episode of Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway, we sit down with DDP and Jake "The Snake" Roberts to discuss Jake’s journey of redemption in The Resurrection of Jake the Snake, the wrestling legends who influenced him, DDP’s most meaningful compliment from Jake, their deep friendship, Jake’s battle with addiction, and his well-deserved induction into the WWE Hall of Fame.Thanks to our sponsors!Magic Spoonhttps://www.magicspoon.com/sixfeet1st Phormhttps://www.1stphorm.com/undertakerBluechewhttps://www.Bluechew.comPromo Code: SIXFEETHappy Dadhttps://www.happydad.comNYKD Poucheshttps://www.NYKDpouches.com/sixfeet35% off your next 3 orders!

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The last 30+ years of being on the road as a professional wrestler has led to many stories in and out of the wrestling ring. Mark Calaway aka The Undertaker, will be sharing weekly stories that you probably have never heard before and taking you down memory lane with some of his most epic matches that we all loved. So, if you are interested in the world of pro wrestling and getting a behind the scenes look into the life of one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, well grab your shovel and get ready to go Six Feet Under with Mark Calaway. NEW EPISODES EVERY MONDAY.