64 - The Podcast Reborn

We're back! Through the magic of the internet, Skullcraic has been reborn and will be back giving your weekly dose of Magic news and tournament report through the lens of three spikes from Ireland (via Vietnam). This week we're talking about the newest spoilers from Ravnica Allegiance including our own personal Top 3's of the set. Our Tournament Report is a quick rundown of the team RPTQ that Ciaran and Alan were preparing for when last we left them, as well as a warning to the listeners to check your travel documents before you go to the airport! Our deck of the week is a spicy Grixis Control list that David has been playing to great effect in Arena ranked Bo1! There's a great write-up on the deck in the Spikes subreddit here.

Om Podcasten

Skullcraic is a weekly Magic: The Gathering digest podcast where three competitive Dublin grinders bring you a breakdown of all the latest Magic news and speculation.