Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Episode 14

Kiran, Cici and June meet a young boy named Harry who seems to be in a bit of trouble. They help him out and he offers to take them to the Moonmarket, a magical shopping center that springs up every night in Otterbachs. Sounds like fun but what about the bonfire? And it seems that Kiran has a very personal question to ask June.

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This all-ages actual play podcast GMed by Drew Mierzejewski. It follows the adventures of 14-year-old June Hymnal (Aly Grauer,) Kiran Rao (Paulomi Pratap,) Cecelia "Cici" Witwick (Aaron Catano-Saez) as they begin their careers as apprentices in the Swiftwell Courier Service. They travel the magical world of Spéir (from the Campaign: Skyjacks podcast) on a skyship and the backs of giant birds to deliver the mail. It's difficult and sometimes dangerous, but it's the adventure they've always dreamed of. Join them as they take flight!