Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Episode 16

________________________________________________________   Welcome to  Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Season 1! ________________________________________________________ Thank you, Couriers for sending in those Backer Surveys! We are well on our way to fulfilling your pledges and putting together our season in Otterbachs.  - Shout Outs to backers from the Kickstarter are in the midroll!- Dear Red Audron Letters from the Kickstarter Backers at  the end of the show. ________________________________________________________ MORE FROM THE WORLD OF SPEIR If you want to join the Patreon to get exclusive behind the scenes content, please see the link below: If you want to get more info on the World of Speir through the Skyjacks World Zine, please see the link below: CONTENT WARNINGMain Show:  Public Speaking, Screams of an unknown originDear Red Audron: None ________________________________________________________ SKYJACKS: CALL OF THE SKY CD KICKSTARTER  Help us Kickstart a full Skyjacks CD featuring the work of Arne Parrott and comprising of some of your favorite songs from the Skyjack Universe including: Way Hay Ho, Call of the Sky, The Lighthouse, Ring the Bell and MANY MORE! Check out the link below to pledge for your copy today!  ________________________________________________________ SUPPORT THE USPS Buy Stamps and other Merchandise: ________________________________________________________ TALK TO YOUR KIDS Courier's Call  does not condone racism, hate or bigotry of any kind. We stand with Black Lives Matters on these issues and call upon everyone to demand changes to have all people stand on equal footing. No one deserves to be afraid or persecuted for just being who they are. If you wish to talk to your kids about racism and its damaging effects, this is a good resource.  As is this. Courier's Call features non-binary gendered characters. If you are not familiar with non-binary genders or neutral pronouns, this is a good resource for for talking about those concepts with your kids! ________________________________________________________ Join Our Mailing List Interact with us on Twitter @couriercall Official Art by Jessica Kuczynski  @AngryArtist113 on Twitter * Sound effects for this episode were pulled from under a creative commons zero attribution licence 

Om Podcasten

This all-ages actual play podcast GMed by Drew Mierzejewski. It follows the adventures of 14-year-old June Hymnal (Aly Grauer,) Kiran Rao (Paulomi Pratap,) Cecelia "Cici" Witwick (Aaron Catano-Saez) as they begin their careers as apprentices in the Swiftwell Courier Service. They travel the magical world of Spéir (from the Campaign: Skyjacks podcast) on a skyship and the backs of giant birds to deliver the mail. It's difficult and sometimes dangerous, but it's the adventure they've always dreamed of. Join them as they take flight!