Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Episode 27
______________________________________________ Welcome to Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Season 2!______________________________________________ ANNOUNCEMENTS!This season picks up after a bit of a time jump. Its been a little over a month since our heroes left Otterbachs and they've stopped at two other locations (port of call #2 and #3) along the six month route of the Red Audron. There were some adventures, some growing pains, some thrilling heroics and even a run in with the infamous Jolly Jack, but all that is behind us and the city of Tesh Urt (port of call #4) looms ahead! This first episode is a bit of a refresher on who the cast is, what game we are playing and what the world is like. We hope you enjoy as we jump into the world of Speir once again! Also, this episode is a whole whopping HOUR long! We hope you enjoy this extra long episode to start us out and we will be back to our regular 30-40 minute episodes after this one. If you've enjoyed the show, liked what we've done or just have feelings about this season, feel free to tell us at or to leave us a review on itunes! ______________________________________________ MORE FROM THE WORLD OF SPEIR If you want to join the Patreon to get exclusive behind the scenes content (including all eight episodes of the Jolly Jack Adventure!), please see the link below: If you want to get more info on the World of Speir through the Skyjacks World Zine, please see the link below: CONTENT WARNINGMain Show: gunfire, teens in peril, a rude shopkeep ______________________________________________ CALL TO ACTION Right Wrongs. Do Mercies. Take Flight! ______________________________________________ TALK TO YOUR KIDS Courier's Call does not condone racism, hate or bigotry of any kind. We stand with Black Lives Matters on these issues and call upon everyone to demand changes to have all people stand on equal footing. No one deserves to be afraid or persecuted for just being who they are. If you wish to talk to your kids about racism and its damaging effects, this is a good resource. As is this. Courier's Call features non-binary gendered characters. If you are not familiar with non-binary genders or neutral pronouns, this is a good resource for for talking about those concepts with your kids!A section of Season 1 of Courier's Call deals with the kidnapping of a child. While our story may be fictional fantasy, this issue is one that is very real in our world. Talk to your kids about child abduction, what they and you can do to stay safe and be alert. If you need help and/or resources, please check out more information here. ______________________________________________ Join Our Mailing List Interact with us online! Twitter: @couriercall Instagram: @skyjackscourierscallOfficial Art by Jessica Kuczynski @AngryArtist113 on Twitter * Sound effects for this episode were pulled from under a creative commons zero attribution license