Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Episode 4

After all the trial and interviews we have finally arrived at the selection, where the audron captains announce their final decision on who will join them in the sky. June, Kiran, and Cece have worked and sacrificed to get here⁠—but will it be enough?

Om Podcasten

This all-ages actual play podcast GMed by Drew Mierzejewski. It follows the adventures of 14-year-old June Hymnal (Aly Grauer,) Kiran Rao (Paulomi Pratap,) Cecelia "Cici" Witwick (Aaron Catano-Saez) as they begin their careers as apprentices in the Swiftwell Courier Service. They travel the magical world of Spéir (from the Campaign: Skyjacks podcast) on a skyship and the backs of giant birds to deliver the mail. It's difficult and sometimes dangerous, but it's the adventure they've always dreamed of. Join them as they take flight!