Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Episode 55: Season 3

Welcome to Season 3 of Skyjacks: Courier's Call! Previously, our intrepid courier heroes Kiran, Cici, and June enjoyed their first Audron Prom... only to be separated onto different ships for the remainder of the route thanks to an Audron Maelstrom! With Kiran on the Gray Audron, Cici on the Black Audron, and June aboard the Yellow Audron and then sent off to the Burning Tails Jousting Academy... there's no end to the new experiences these apprentices will have. Let us begin with Kiran Rao, the Gray Audron, and the strange, ancient ruin of the city of Ormolu.... Content Warnings: awkward teen small talk, ancient city ruins, getting lost, possible ghosts Click here for Skyjoust!!

Om Podcasten

This all-ages actual play podcast GMed by Drew Mierzejewski. It follows the adventures of 14-year-old June Hymnal (Aly Grauer,) Kiran Rao (Paulomi Pratap,) Cecelia "Cici" Witwick (Aaron Catano-Saez) as they begin their careers as apprentices in the Swiftwell Courier Service. They travel the magical world of Spéir (from the Campaign: Skyjacks podcast) on a skyship and the backs of giant birds to deliver the mail. It's difficult and sometimes dangerous, but it's the adventure they've always dreamed of. Join them as they take flight!