Skyjacks: Courier's Call - Episode 64

Kiran's time aboard the Grey Audron with their ghost girlfriend Alba continues, even as the Grey Audron heads back towards Thornvale, and feelings become even more intense and precious. Cici works with Fenton Eaves to create a plot to banish the shadow-monster-curse-thing to Map World (if she can!) and end her plight of self-consciousness. Content Warnings: tender teen feelings, social awkwardness, wizard stuff, sacrifice Want to hear even more about June's adventures with the Burning Tails jousting academy? Click here for Skyjoust!!

Om Podcasten

This all-ages actual play podcast GMed by Drew Mierzejewski. It follows the adventures of 14-year-old June Hymnal (Aly Grauer,) Kiran Rao (Paulomi Pratap,) Cecelia "Cici" Witwick (Aaron Catano-Saez) as they begin their careers as apprentices in the Swiftwell Courier Service. They travel the magical world of Spéir (from the Campaign: Skyjacks podcast) on a skyship and the backs of giant birds to deliver the mail. It's difficult and sometimes dangerous, but it's the adventure they've always dreamed of. Join them as they take flight!