Slate Money: What the Hurricanes Cost
This week: Big storms are the new norm, and they’re costing America big time. Felix Salmon, Emily Peck, and Elizabeth Spiers discuss the economic toll and surging insurance coasts of climate change. They also examine the curious case of a Canadian carpenter who made and lost a fortune on Tesla options, and Felix reveals what he’ll be up to on his upcoming sabbatical. In the Numbers Round, Emily discusses a Subtack that charts the most well-connected actors. In the Plus bonus mini-episode: WordPress is a nonprofit foundation that supports around 40% of the internet, but its for-profit arm has locked horns with a major competitor. The hosts join Slate’s Nitish Pawah to discuss the battle between Automattic and WP Engine with the fate of a chunk of the web in the balance. Want more Slate Money? Subscribe to Slate Plus to unlock weekly bonus episodes. Plus, you’ll access ad-free listening across all your favorite Slate podcasts. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts by clicking “Try Free” at the top of the Slate Money show page. Or, visit to get access wherever you listen. Podcast production by Jared Downing and Cheyna Roth. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit